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Profile: School of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

    The school was founded in 1964 starting with Russian teaching. In 1978 the Teaching and Research Section of Foreign Languages was founded. In 2001, the Foreign Languages Department was established. In 2005, it developed into the School of Foreign Languages. In 2020, Chinese International Education was integrated into the School, bringing the new name—School of Foreign Languages (School of International Education). At present, the school has five departments: English department, Japanese department, Translation department, department of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages and College Foreign Languages Teaching department, it also has five research centers: the Center for Literature and Linguistics Studies, the Center for Culture and Translation Studies, the Center for Country Studies, the Center for Test and Question Bank Construction and the Center for Japanese Language Teaching in Secondary Schools. The school is authorized to confer Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI) – the “second-level” discipline program. In order to promote the development of teaching and research, six research teams were set up in 2020. The school undertakes the teaching programs ranging from postgraduate students and undergraduates at the university level on specialized and public foreign languages as well as College Chinese, covering Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, German, French, and Russian.

  The school of Foreign Languages (School of International Education) currently has a 116 innovative, enthusiastic, and experienced faculty members, among whom 31 are professors and associate professors, 25 have doctors’ degree (including PH.D candidates). Each year the school is projected to recruit 15 to 20 foreign teachers. Currently, there are 1325 students in the School of Foreign Languages. In the past five years, the faculty members have hosted over 30 national, provincial, and bureau-leveled projects, published more than 200 academic papers and about 35 academic books, translation works and textbooks.

  Guided with “student-centered” thinking, the School of Foreign Languages (School of International Education) vigorously makes explorations in developing systems for cultivating inter-disciplinary and practical talents with international vision. The school has established cooperative ties with a dozen of educational institutions and companies in China, New Zealand, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea and Singapore, setting up a series of bases for internship and job training. It also carries out short-term training programs for teachers and students and collaborative ones for undergraduates and graduate students. Adhering to school motto of “bridging Chinese and Foreign cultures with both talents and moral integrity”, the school attaches great importance to cultivating students’ humanistic quality, and comprehensively improving the students’ cultural literacy and cultural awareness, and on that basis, shaping them into well-developed cross-linguistic and cross-cultural talents. The reform and innovation of curriculum has always topped our agenda with the initiative to introduce excellent foreign curriculum and to enhance inter-scholastic curriculum cooperation. Based on the characteristic specialties in our university, the school also carries out inter-disciplinary teaching as a way to cultivate inter-disciplinary and practical students with international vision.

    All the teachers and students of School of Foreign Languages (School of International Education) will devote themselves with overwhelming enthusiasm, high spirit and diligence to the overall goal of the university—building Qilu University of Technology into one of the best Chinese applied-research engineering universities and ranking among world-level ones.

Major: English

Introduction: The English major was established in 2001. It is among the key majors endorsed by Shandong Province's Featured Universities Project and is on the list of Qilu University of Technology's high-level applied majors. In 2019, it was selected as a first-class undergraduate major in Shandong Province, and Advanced English was selected as a first-class undergraduate curriculum in Shandong Province. The major, based on basic language skill training and featured practical English and technical English, strives to cultivate high-quality English talents with strong practical and innovative abilities. There are 20 full-time teachers in this major, including 2 doctoral supervisors, 3 professors, 5 associate professors, and 6 teachers with doctoral degrees. The major also hires well-known foreign professors as visiting professors throughout the year to teach students courses in literature, culture, writing, and second language acquisition. In recent years, the major has actively carried out domestic and foreign exchange activities, and two-thirds of the teachers have visiting experience at home and abroad. Every year, some outstanding students are selected to visit key universities and foreign language colleges such as Beijing, Chongqing, and Guangdong, and organize students to participate in practical activities such as summer paid internships in the United States. In 2018, in cooperation with the University of Huddersfield in the United Kingdom, it opened a special class of English Education and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TESOL) international curriculum, which was jointly cultivated by both parties.

Future job opportunities: English majors have a wide range of job opportunities. They can work in translation, research, teaching, management and other fields in foreign affairs, foreign trade, education, industrial technology, press and publishing, and the first-time employment rate is more than 90%. Among the graduates, there are not only young backbones teaching at Shandong University and other universities, but also diplomats working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; there are not only managers of various enterprises, but also journalists working at CCTV. At present, MTI (Master of Translation and Interpreting) education is available for application. The graduate entrance examination rate has been maintained at more than 20%. Some students have been accepted as postgraduates by well-known domestic universities such as Fudan University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Shanghai International Studies University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, etc. About 5% of students go abroad for further study each year.

Years of study: 4 years (Elastic length of schooling: 3 to 8 years)

One of our young teachers

Students' practical activity

Student’s paid internship in the United States

Major: Japanese

Introduction: The Japanese major recruited the first group of students in 2005. As a high-level applied major of Qilu University of Technology, the Japanese major is listed among key candidate majors of the Characteristic University Program of Shandong Province. Underpinned by basic language skills, with the characteristic practical Japanese and Japanese for science and technology, the major focuses on the cultivation of high-quality talents with strong practical and innovative abilities. There are 7 incumbent full-time teachers, including 1 professor, 1 associate professor, and 3 teachers with the doctorate. All the teachers have ever studied or worked as visiting scholars in Japan. We have initiated a joint training program with the Wakayama College of Foreign Studies in Japan, and established an overseas education and training base for study in Japan. Moreover, an overseas employment training base in the Kyushu Institute of Foreign Languages has been set up, and students thus have the opportunity for paid internship in winter or summer vacation, or choose to study as a postgraduate or take up an occupation in Japan.

Future job opportunities: The graduates can work on translation, research, teaching and management in Japanese companies or in fields such as foreign affairs, foreign trade, culture, education, scientific research, tourism and so on. Employment rate of graduates is always above 97%. Over 30% students study or work in Japan each year.

Years of study: 4 years (Elastic length of schooling: 3 to 8 years)

An overseas internship base in the Wakayama College of Foreign Studies

One of our young teachers

The Mayor of Wakayama City in Japan commended the outstanding graduate of our university

Major: Translation

ntroduction: The translation major recruited the first group of students in 2015. It is one of the high-level applied majors of Qilu University of Technology. Supported by the advantageous disciplines of the university, with the characteristic industrial translation and scientific translation, the translation major has established practical translation workshop and internship bases with a number of translation companies. Underpinned by basic language skills, with the characteristic scientific translation and machine translation, the major focuses on the cultivation of high-quality talents with practical and innovative ability. There are 15 incumbent full-time teachers, including 2 professors, 3 associate professors, and 5 teachers with the doctorate as well as 3 part-time teachers from translation companies. The major also has renowned foreign professors as visiting professors teaching such courses as classic Chinese literature translation.Recent years have witnessed increasing academic exchanges at home and abroad. Some outstanding students have got the opportunity to study as exchange students in excellent universities at home and abroad. We also made unremitting efforts to expand job training bases at home and abroad and carried out paid internship in summer vacation for further study, employment and translation practice in English-speaking countries. In 2017, we started MTI education program. In 2018, we established cooperative ties with the University of Huddersfield and set up the a joint-training program for TESOL education. In 2019, the course Advanced English was selected as one of the first-class undergraduate curriculum of Shandong Province.

Future job opportunities: Equipped with solid language proficiency and high-level translation and interpreting ability, translation graduates can work on translation, research, teaching and management in fields such asforeign affairs, foreign economic and trade, education, industrial science and technology, press and publication and so on.

Years of study:4 years (Elastic length of schooling: 3 to 8 years)

Translation Lecture by Professor Russell

Students’ paid internship in the United States

The postgraduate student in the University of Macau

The postgraduate student in the University of Macau

Major: Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(TCSOL)

Introduction: The major of TCSOL recruited the first group of students in 2012. It is one of the high-level applied majors of Qilu University of Technology. The priority of the major is to cultivate senior interdisciplinary talents with professional knowledge of Chinese literature, traditional Chinese culture and the capacity of cross-cultural communication and high-level humanistic quality and the ability to engage in Chinese teaching in various schools at home and abroad, as well as related work in functional departments, foreign institutions and press and publishing units.There are 11 full-time teachers, including 2 professors, 4 associate professors and 8 teachers with doctoral degrees, forming a vigorous team with great teaching, research and talent training strength. Main courses include Contemporary Chinese Language, Ancient Chinese Language, An Introduction to Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Ancient Chinese Literature, General Chinese Culture, An Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, with Intercultural Communication, Chinese Culture, A Comparative Study of Literary Translation as its elective courses. Moreover, practical courses on traditional culture are offered such as calligraphy, paper cutting, tea art, Tai Chi. So far, the major has cultivated six groups of excellent graduates. Each year the major accepts some international students. So far more than 70 foreign students have ever studied here as TCSOL majors.

Further study and Future job opportunities: TCSOL majors may choose further study after graduation. In the past three years, the enrollment rate of postgraduates has been above 25%. Some students have been admitted as postgraduate students by Beijing Normal University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Language and Culture University, Nankai University, Jilin University, Macao University of Science and Technology, etc. Graduates can also work on Chinese language teaching, primary and secondary education, secretarial work and work related to cultural exchanges, and some of them have successfully entered the civil service and public institutions.

Years of study:4 years (Elastic length of schooling: 3 to 8 years)

Practice teaching of tea art

The New Year’s party with foreign students

Our graduates teach Chinese in Thailand

June 25th. 2021

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